26% of claims on John Lewis Car Insurance in 2010 were as a result of an accident involving a parked vehicle being hit by a moving one. This made collision with a parked vehicle the top most common claim for John Lewis Car Insurance customers. You may consider driving at high speeds or driving on roundabouts as dangerous or risky manoeuvres, but safe parking is also an essential part of maintaining car safety.
If your vehicle is hit whilst parked, your car could sustain any amount of damage. You car could suffer damage on the body work, the window screen could be broken, or a long scratch could appear down the length of your car. In more serious collisions, you may even find your car is a right-off after another vehicle collides with your car whilst it is parked.
Car insurance is essential to protect yourself and your vehicle against damage both on the road and whilst parked. Good car insurance should pay for the damage to your car after an accident. Your insurance company may also cover the cost of replacing or repairing your car's audio and navigation equipment. You may find that a car accident prevents you from getting home or to your planned destination; in which case your car insurance could help you complete your journey by providing overnight accommodation or providing a courtesy car whilst your vehicle is being repaired.
As well as having good car insurance, you should try to park your car where it will be safe. Try to park in line with other vehicles so your car is not at risk of being clipped by other passing vehicles and don't park in dangerous or unmarked spots. If you leave your car parked overnight, be sure it is parked in a well lit spot and you can even leave your parking lights or front side lights illuminated if you are particularly concerned about a collision whilst your car is parked.